Monday, September 10, 2007

Wildlife Surgery

There was a chicken, and she said, "This is a good nest." She was a very old chicken so she couldn't build a nest very well, so a red-tailed hawk built a nest for her. But she didn't know that there was a grass snake there. And the grass snake slithered out and startled her and she went "Ahhh!", and the chicken startled the mouse and the mouse startled the elephant and they all ran to the Library and knocked down the walls and all the books.

They went past a tree that a jaguar was sleeping in, and the Jaguar went, "ueue-e-ueueu-eh!". There was a lizard under the tree where the Jaguar was sleeping, and it surprised the lizard and it banged its belly on the sidwalk, and then it went to the vet, and the vet said they should cut it a little deeper. They found that inside was a little rock that was on a bone. They took it out and stitched up the lizard. But a corner away, the other animals were going crazy. But then the lizard came back, and they decided to all make friends, and the snake invited the chicken to its hole and the chicken invited the snake to its nest, and the elephant invited the mouse to its colony, and the jaguar invited the lizard to its tree.

And whatever animal they met that was unusual, they became friends with.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

the long-eared people and the dinosaured beast

The Long-Eared people are the good guys, and the dinosaured beast is the bad guy.

The long-eared people have this spaceship and they went to this desert island and they went to a zoo. And the sign said, "Don't come in: Danger and Diseases." Those were the dangerous beasts.

And then, the beasts were all kind of just a little nice, but one of them was not nice at all. The beasts that came first were a little nice, but the one that came last was not nice at all; it even had a really mean name. I think its name was Con Boulder, because boulders are big rocks, and if they land on a part of your body, they can hurt you a little bit. Then they saw Con Boulder rush by, but they stopped.

Con Boulder was the leader. It didn't mean he went in the front; it means he told all of the other beasts what to do. He told all the beasts in the world what to do.

The beasts ran toward the Long-Eared People and chased them to a volcano. The Daddy long-eared person said, "Um, the only thing we have to do is jump over that steam, and smoke, and hot lava and fire, but I don't think we can do that."

But they discovered their ship, but it wasn't the right thing that they needed. It was out of gas, but there weren't many gas stations around that desert island, and all the gas stations were closed.

But then they discovered a dam that used to be used by a beaver, and the kids said, "We could use those sticks to throw at the beasts," but it didn't work.

The beast ate the sticks. And then, the beast had a trick to play on them. He leaded all the other beasts to try to get them to go to the water and fall into it.

They almost fell into the water, but there was this big plant that came up. The beast tricked them. He went up into a tree. They said, "We can climb up that tree." But the beast didn't climb up a tree at all; he went into a cave.

They decided to leave the beast in the wild. And they went off to look at some hummingbirds, but right then, the beast and his friends were coming up, eating all the cactus flowers so the hummingbirds couldn't drink their nectar.

But then they saw these big cactuses, but the flowers were too high for the beasts. These funny looking bees were flying above the flowers, but they weren't bees at all. They were hummingbirds!

But something was going wrong with the baby hummingbirds. Three of them jumped out of the cactus where the nest was. And nobody knows that the hummingbirds were going to get hurt but the long-eared people boy. He couldn't reach them where they were falling, so they put them in a can and climbed up a ladder and put them back in their hold in the cactus.

The End.

Monday, July 30, 2007

jungle time

One time there was a deep, dark jungle that had lots of gorillas and elephants and tigers at it, but then the jungle went back in time and went past time for years and years and then saber tooth tigers and woolly mammoths and dinosaurs were there. And then another jungle went front in time that wasn't the jungle that went back in time with dinosaurs and woolly mammoths and saber tooth tigers, and the sloths lived in that other jungle and the tigers and the bears and gorillas. The End.

Saturday, July 28, 2007


It wouldn't be a good show to watch if it was called poop.

Friday, July 27, 2007

the story of emples sewer and jabuka, the battle of empsins

The story of Emples Sewer and Jabuka is when they try to win the Battle of Empsins. Do you want to here what happens in the Battle of Empsins? Do you think Emples Sewer and Jabuka are gonna win? What Emples Sewer and Jabuka did, they told every one, they told all the good guys that the Battle of Empsins was coming up. So, they gathered in a big group and had a camp, and the next morning they fighted and fighted and did practices and did practices and did pratices until the bad guys got there. But the bad guys could hear them fighting so they just ran away back where they were coming. But then, the bad guys came back and then they had a battle and Emples Sewer and Jabuka win and they got a battle trophy with spears and swords and clubs on it and axes. The End.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

another wild boar game

Let's play another wild boar game. It's called "Person running away from a tusky wild boar."

theme song for a wild boar fight

"The mighty tusk of the wild boar bangs from tusk to tusk!"

made by accident

Crows and ravens are mean birds . . . crows are worse than ravens . . . crows make a mean sound: ahh - ahh - aawhk!!!

Maybe crows and ravens are birds God made by accident.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

there is a concinulator in our house

There is a concinulator in our house. A concinulator is a magic bug that makes your house go so far back in time. It's got to be here somewhere. Concinulators usually go into TV buttons. No not in there. . .

I think I got it! No, it's just a piece of fuzz. . .

. . .they bury themselves in peoples skin.
What it says of the directions I didn't read. Look for the concinulator in peoples ear by rubbing and beeping the staticomometer in peoples ear. Every time I try to catch a concinulator, it magics itself away.

There is something good about the concinulator. It feeds on our energy of our doves so our doves won't live much longer, and if it didn't, our whole air conditioner would over boil.

Friday, June 29, 2007

instructions for feeding lightning bugs

If you have one-hundred-and-seven lightning bugs, feed them sixty to eighty pieces of food.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

i didn't want you to notice me

I was pretending to be a statue, but it got boring.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

your head would be so big

If everybody in the whole world had a different recipe that made you so smart, your head would be so big with all those brains in there.

Friday, June 15, 2007

obikkin, saltapur, and the ornivens

In the worm of alien knowledge there is a bad worm named Obikkin. His name kinda sounds like a thorn because it has a thing that says bikkin in it and bikkin sounds like a thorn. He has a dad named Saltapur, because he has a computer. He opens the computer. When the good guys have dinner or lunch he brings his computer and stuff comes out of the whole that the plug goes into that is for melting the salt of their dinner or lunch. That's because he is bad.

Obikkin's mom is really mean to the vultures. The vultures eat dead ornivens. Ornivens are these big robot animals, like wild rams, that have curly horns and they fight with them.

Monday, March 26, 2007

tumundrus starts with "t"

Tumundrus starts with "T."

It's a French way of robots saying, "A little spooky."

Monday, March 5, 2007

i super alien. i rock. i rule. vs. i'm going to win the battle. no you're not!

I Super Alien. I rock. I rule. I wrap it all over my leg, then I pull out ink puffs, then I pull him right to outerspace jail wrapped the string on himself then burst ink puffs all over the evil tucan named, I'm Going to Win the Battle. No You're Not! capturing him.

He's called I'm Going to Win the Battle. No You're Not! because he always thinks he has enough army to win the battle, but he never does.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

emples sewer and the good phoenix

Emples Sewer has forcing eyes. Force spotlights and force fire come out of his eyes. A good phoenix dropped a piece of wood for him to protect the worms of alien knowledge that were coming to Jabuka's house because they were going to have a birthday party for Ablossomer, one of the worms of alien knowledge who lives in a house covered with blossoms. Ablossomer was eight years old. The good phoenix knows all about the world because he has a world-teller robot in his house. His robot's eyes can get longer; when he detects of something, then his eyes get longer and longer and longer to see what happened. A bad monster came in the back door, because the worms of alien knowledge were coming in the front door, and because they didn't want to say excuse me to the bad monster. Emples Sewer forced the piece of wood at the bad monster to save everyone in the house, but when the bad monster pushed it back, Emples Sewer forced it back at him again!

jabuka and emples sewer

Jabuka is a gorilla who lives in Automatica, which is his jungle, with California Sequoia Redwoods. Jabuka's friend, Emples Sewer, is a robot. He sews wood together to a tree so no one will take it away from him. Then Emples Sewer has power hands that can make something appear whenever he wants, and when he sewed the tree a drill appeared. He just opens his hands twice and then something appears. He drills the wood into splinters, so if a big bad monster circle colony is marching toward him, then the splinters will fly and poke into their skin.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

super hero alien vs. blackely dackely

Super Hero Alien makes ink puffs go everywhere. Then it comes up and makes a big pusher ink cloud and pushes the evil space opiyoyo dog to outer space jail.

Everyone keeps himself away from Blackely Dackely, the bad guy that transformed by breaking evil bad guys off that dress up like other bad guys. The face that is a lot painted breaks off and the body too, but the costume stays.

Super Hero Alien, says, "I have power that makes lots of ink puffs and every bad guy that I get with ink puffs turns into another body, but the rest of the body stays on. I can even make power that burns the head off of evil aliens that don't have eyeballs. The ink puffs will puff and puff and puff and they make a big cloud that breaks off with him.

Monday, February 5, 2007

evil frog hitter chin

They all attack a huge evil frog that has a chin like a troll's club and he hits it at the good guys. The good guys puffed up their skin so he would be scared and the good guys put rocks of smoke pushing out fire. Grown Up Bionic Aliens can do super speed. See how he is starting to get in front of that guy? Five eyes pop out. They steal those prickles from puffer fish and "pff, pff," take out their eyes and new eyes grow out.

*check back for illustrations

Friday, February 2, 2007


Cyclops aliens live on Moistable. A red planet, 20 miles and 10 seconds from here. There are twenty eight nine of us.

It has big humongous holes on it. The holes are for the bad aliens to live in. They are called chomp-on-lizard storm troopers or lizard-smack storm trooper aliens because there is a storm inside of their hole. They live in a thunder storm inside of their hole.

Cyclops aliens take a shell and go bap, bap, bap and make the lizard-smack storm trooper aliens die.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

ice skater fighters

Ice skater fighers only live up in outer space where my spaceship is. They fight the ugly skinned drink monster. They have ugly soda and ugly fruit punch dripping from their skin and it makes a big mess. Everyone says, "pee-ew". But the aliens don't say "pee-ew," because they wear maskes. Maskes squirt out of the aliens' noses.

There is a way to hurt him. He is an evil monster. If he's evil to us then we have to be evil back to him.

(mom: Would God want us to be evil to them because they were evil to us?
little green guy: Well, they're imaginary, so we're just pretending.)

That's all the alien news

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

space jumper monkeys

I know a kind of monkeys that help aliens kill invisible people. They're called space jumper monkeys because they have chains that come out of their fingers and they use them to swing from place to place. They are called electrical space chains because they say, "outer space outer space outer space". They reach up into outer space and when they attach, they say,"outer space outer space."

They use deep voices to say, "hoopie! hoopie!" to help the Aliens use deep voices. Aliens think hoopie means bite the whole body of the invisible people.