Sunday, February 18, 2007

emples sewer and the good phoenix

Emples Sewer has forcing eyes. Force spotlights and force fire come out of his eyes. A good phoenix dropped a piece of wood for him to protect the worms of alien knowledge that were coming to Jabuka's house because they were going to have a birthday party for Ablossomer, one of the worms of alien knowledge who lives in a house covered with blossoms. Ablossomer was eight years old. The good phoenix knows all about the world because he has a world-teller robot in his house. His robot's eyes can get longer; when he detects of something, then his eyes get longer and longer and longer to see what happened. A bad monster came in the back door, because the worms of alien knowledge were coming in the front door, and because they didn't want to say excuse me to the bad monster. Emples Sewer forced the piece of wood at the bad monster to save everyone in the house, but when the bad monster pushed it back, Emples Sewer forced it back at him again!

jabuka and emples sewer

Jabuka is a gorilla who lives in Automatica, which is his jungle, with California Sequoia Redwoods. Jabuka's friend, Emples Sewer, is a robot. He sews wood together to a tree so no one will take it away from him. Then Emples Sewer has power hands that can make something appear whenever he wants, and when he sewed the tree a drill appeared. He just opens his hands twice and then something appears. He drills the wood into splinters, so if a big bad monster circle colony is marching toward him, then the splinters will fly and poke into their skin.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

super hero alien vs. blackely dackely

Super Hero Alien makes ink puffs go everywhere. Then it comes up and makes a big pusher ink cloud and pushes the evil space opiyoyo dog to outer space jail.

Everyone keeps himself away from Blackely Dackely, the bad guy that transformed by breaking evil bad guys off that dress up like other bad guys. The face that is a lot painted breaks off and the body too, but the costume stays.

Super Hero Alien, says, "I have power that makes lots of ink puffs and every bad guy that I get with ink puffs turns into another body, but the rest of the body stays on. I can even make power that burns the head off of evil aliens that don't have eyeballs. The ink puffs will puff and puff and puff and they make a big cloud that breaks off with him.

Monday, February 5, 2007

evil frog hitter chin

They all attack a huge evil frog that has a chin like a troll's club and he hits it at the good guys. The good guys puffed up their skin so he would be scared and the good guys put rocks of smoke pushing out fire. Grown Up Bionic Aliens can do super speed. See how he is starting to get in front of that guy? Five eyes pop out. They steal those prickles from puffer fish and "pff, pff," take out their eyes and new eyes grow out.

*check back for illustrations

Friday, February 2, 2007


Cyclops aliens live on Moistable. A red planet, 20 miles and 10 seconds from here. There are twenty eight nine of us.

It has big humongous holes on it. The holes are for the bad aliens to live in. They are called chomp-on-lizard storm troopers or lizard-smack storm trooper aliens because there is a storm inside of their hole. They live in a thunder storm inside of their hole.

Cyclops aliens take a shell and go bap, bap, bap and make the lizard-smack storm trooper aliens die.