Friday, June 29, 2007

instructions for feeding lightning bugs

If you have one-hundred-and-seven lightning bugs, feed them sixty to eighty pieces of food.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

i didn't want you to notice me

I was pretending to be a statue, but it got boring.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

your head would be so big

If everybody in the whole world had a different recipe that made you so smart, your head would be so big with all those brains in there.

Friday, June 15, 2007

obikkin, saltapur, and the ornivens

In the worm of alien knowledge there is a bad worm named Obikkin. His name kinda sounds like a thorn because it has a thing that says bikkin in it and bikkin sounds like a thorn. He has a dad named Saltapur, because he has a computer. He opens the computer. When the good guys have dinner or lunch he brings his computer and stuff comes out of the whole that the plug goes into that is for melting the salt of their dinner or lunch. That's because he is bad.

Obikkin's mom is really mean to the vultures. The vultures eat dead ornivens. Ornivens are these big robot animals, like wild rams, that have curly horns and they fight with them.